It’s ALWAYS about us, isn’t it?

Our latest album, Album 28, is out now being ignored by most media outlets. Stream for free! Push the button! What’s your problem??

We are Longboat.

Green liquid makes it better!

Green liquid makes it better!

Longboat is a band from Seattle that makes pop music. We perform a wide variety of genres from garage to electronica, but it's all pop. Oh, and we don't do love songs. We're currently on a bit of a recording bender and have 3 albums coming out in 2023 and just as many to be released in 2024. Just try and stop us. You can’t. So don’t try, OK?

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Actual size.

Actual size.

All rice boiled on premises.

All rice boiled on premises.

The origin story.

How did Longboat come to be?  Oh, it's very simple.  WARNING: Details have been omitted and some composite characters have been used in our recreation!

But it's mostly true.


Here are some very wonderful people, places and things that have prodded Longboat along its resplendent and glorious path:


Don’t take our word for it just listen to these rave reviews!


Longboat is Seattle's least favorite band.

“Purveying a hefty supply of bizarro tales and postmodern quips spanning pulp to science fiction”

**Longboat interview


Contact us for shows, booking, questions, or to say how great we are.

We owe everything to our fan(s) and would love to hear from you. Drop us a line and let us know what we are doing correctly!